Environmental, social and economic crises are hitting our planet with increasing regularity. On a global scale as well as on a local level, these challenges have placed sustainable development and social responsibility (SD/CSR) at the centre of the issues that have to be faced by companies, organisations and their stakeholders, all along their value chains, in order to ensure their sustainability and contribute to a sustainable future. More than ever, citizens, consumers, employees and investors expect companies to walk the talk.

Faced with the multiplicity of labels, it has become essential to give greater clarity and a more assertive positioning to companies and organisations with SD/CSR labels that go beyond self-assessment, rating, reporting or sectoral assessments (e.g. carbon footprint) to demonstrate their holistic action and control their ESG impacts.

Have you implemented a good practice and remarkable progress approach within your organisation? Do you want to rely on a guided approach that leaves you free to take charge of your own future? Do you want your results to be verified in a neutral and independent way, and validated by a leading label or certification?

By bringing together the most credible CSR labels and certifications on the market and offering additional recognition and international equivalence to the label obtained in your country after an independent external audit, Responsibility Europe is the right solution for you. Responsibility Europe is the leading international brand for SD/CSR labels and certifications. It forms the link between CSR labels and certifications sharing the same DNA with strong ethical and European values (see the Responsibility Europe Manifesto).

If your company or organisation has obtained one of the leading recognised CSR labels or certifications, you can automatically use this international Responsibility Europe label together with the CSR label or certification obtained from your national body:

Logo Engagé RSE ISO 26000

Join the network of Responsibility Europe labelled companies

Would you like to commit to a credible and effective approach and join the network of the Responsibility Europe labelled companies and organisations?